Crypto Currency, also known as “Cryptocurrency” or “C cryptocoins” (Cryptocash), is a virtual currency designed to function as a medium of swap where one coin is held by both the owner of the coins and a third party. A cryptocoin, like the Euro, US dollar, British pound, Japanese yen, and others, will be matched with a corresponding private key. This third party will need to have the ability to verify that the key is valid, and then create an unbound block of currency that matches the public key. The benefit of this is that any two distinct cryptocoins will be paired with a different private key, ensuring that privacy is maintained as much as possible.
However, there are several drawbacks to using these kinds of currencies. One of the problems with using cryptosurfs as a store of value is the inherently unstable economic conditions of certain nations. Since the supply is driven by demand, if the demand drops the supply will drop, which makes the value of the cryptocoins tied to that particular nation plummet, causing severe losses for investors. Furthermore, most cryptosurfs are not stable, as the value of their portfolio of coins is dependent on the ability of their private keys to generate the required number of coins, and they are only able to do this on a very short term basis.
A second major problem associated with using a cryptocoin as an investment vehicle is the relative lack of liquidity. Because of the nature of cryptography, there is no way for a typical investor to obtain their hands on one of these types of currencies. While it may be theoretically possible to acquire a handful of them to be able to trade them quickly and effectively, this would require individuals to have access to an international computer network. Additionally, this would mean that the person had to have the skills necessary to manage and maintain the system, and also know how to make safe copies of the software, which may be difficult. Some cryptosurfs do offer a way for private investors to get a small percentage (5%) of the cryptocoin they are purchasing, but this still means that you have to either have the ability to transfer the currency from your local currency to the buyer’s currency without any problems, or know someone who does. In the case of Cryptocurfs such as Monero and Dash, the private investors must also know the software to use in order to participate in the trading and may need to have specialized software created just for that purpose.
There are also some inherent problems with investing in Cryptocurrencies like Dash or Monero. In the case of Dash, since it is based on the Litecoin protocol, it does not have the same level of privacy protection that other chains do. This makes it vulnerable to illicit downloads that could potentially allow people to track your financial transactions. Also, since Monero is not traded on a major exchange, it does not have much of an international appeal and thus is not well received by investors from various countries.
The good news is that there are solutions to both of these problems. Through the use of what is called a “Anonveloper” service, we can create a secure decentralized network of Anonvelopers that acts as an intermediary between buyers and sellers of digital assets. This allows for safe and fair exchanges that are able to reduce the chances of participants taking part in illicit transactions. Anonvelopers will either work directly with the currencies used by buyers and sellers to conduct the trades or will act as a middleman that offers trades between the two parties that can be closed either when the trades are complete or using some other mechanism that is mutually agreed upon.
One of the biggest problems that faces the global economy is a digital currency fraud. With Cryptocurrency on a rampant spree, it is only a matter of time before this type of crime overwhelms all others. By providing an independent third-party with the ability to verify transactions in a timely and effective manner, we can hope to reduce the number of victims and criminals who will be affected. Since Anonvelopers are not required to transact the currency they provide services on behalf of their clients, there is no risk to the service provider. Instead, if there were fraudulent activity originating from a buyer, seller, or server, this would be caught by the Anonveloper and a report could be filed. In effect, this method would provide a way for trustworthy people and institutions to help facilitate the buying and selling of cryptosporidium by working behind the scenes.